Friday, May 14, 2010

Know of non-diabetic hypoglycemia

For most diabetic patients, is no stranger to low blood sugar. Distinguish between diabetic and non diabetic low blood sugar is important because the two processing methods, such as diabetes, hypoglycemia mistake when non-diabetic hypoglycemia treatment, the consequences would be disastrous, and vice versa. So, how should screening here? In general, the former first presence of diabetes, and have low blood sugar caused by causal relations; the latter's situation is different, different characteristics. Now non-diabetic causes and characteristics of low blood sugar are summarized below, for the treatment of diabetes, low blood sugar when the differential reference.

Islet B cell tumors can secrete large quantities of insulin, it can cause severe low blood sugar reactions. Its features are: eating or exercise, often cause low blood sugar attack; fasting blood glucose often 2.8mmol / L the following; in good health condition disease; no history of diabetes; surgical treatment that can cure; mostly occurs in children.

Pancreatic tumor (so far, no reports of this disease, only theoretically) of spontaneous hypoglycemia can be seen in pancreatic tumors, particularly in the chest and abdominal tumors, these tumors most significant volume. Low blood sugar may be due to insulin-like substances cause cancer; or these substances to endogenous insulin over-sensitive; or because of excessive glucose consumption of large tumors. Surgical excision, hypoglycemia may disappear.

Functional disorder mainly seen in the blood sugar is too low in patients with autonomic instability, such as the vagus nerve in patients with excessive excitability, resulting in excessive secretion of insulin islet B cells, which led to spontaneous hypoglycemia. Its characteristics are: eating high-carbohydrate diet are prone to cause low blood sugar attacks; often in water 2 to 4 hours after the attack, blood glucose value is not less than 2.2mmol / L; blood glucose levels and symptoms are inconsistent, sometimes asymptomatic low blood glucose levels, on the contrary, symptoms but normal blood glucose; use oral sedatives or anticholinergic drugs may be an excellent outcome.

Chronic adrenal hypofunction (Addison disease) is about half of the patients of this disease can be symptoms of hypoglycemia, mostly occurs in fasting in the morning, before eating or 1 to 2 hours after meals. Its characteristics are: blood glucose 3.3mmol / L or so symptoms can be significant; the pigmentation of skin and mucous membranes, fatigue, weight loss and low blood pressure; loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting; low blood pressure, sexual dysfunction (male impotence, female amenorrhea, etc.).

Litchi Litchi disease can be a lot of hypoglycemia, because litchi contains large amounts of acid, acid Xishouruxue via the gastrointestinal tract, will be required by the transformation of the liver enzyme (aldolase) to fructose into glucose, can be used by the body. If the excessive ingestion of lychee, there will be too much acid into the blood, "transform" the conversion of enzyme acid will short supply. In this case, large amounts of fructose in the blood is full of transforming the human body can not be used for glucose. At the same time, excessive consumption of lychees affect appetite, the body can not be a nutritional supplement, resulting in shortage of human blood glucose, so hypoglycemic reaction. Such low blood sugar and diabetes low blood sugar difference, primarily the former has a large number of fresh lychee history.

Suffering from serious liver disease liver disease low blood sugar such as liver cancer, cirrhosis of advanced, severe hepatitis, it can hypoglycemia, this is because the liver cells of glycogen synthesis, storage and decomposition by the barrier's sake; In addition, the liver enzyme system congenital defects, such as glycogen storage disease (von Gierke disease), because the liver releases glucose often difficult to hypoglycemia. Identification is the reaction time of hypoglycemia, patients with severe liver disease original.

Drug-induced hypoglycemia in long-term service willow salt, anti-tissue amine, propranolol, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, Phenylbutazone, sodium on ammonia Yang, isoniazid and acetaminophen (paracetamol) and other drugs, even to cause low blood sugar. Low blood sugar such identification is a service history of these drugs.

If too much glucose or loss of use of breast-feeding women, strenuous exercise or prolonged heavy physical labor, use of too much blood sugar can cause low blood sugar; when suffering from severe diarrhea, high fever, severe hyperthyroidism, because of excessive loss of blood sugar consumption , also can cause hypoglycemia. Above, after hypoglycemia, diabetes, low blood sugar should be differential.

Inadequate food intake, such as old and feeble, suffering from severe chronic disease, cancer chemotherapy-induced loss of appetite, reflux ulcer scar caused by inflammation caused by swallowing difficulties, mental illness, teenage weight loss caused by excessive mental anorexia and so on, can lack of long-term food intake, while the hypoglycemic response.

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